Uluroots - Bali Reggae

Armi was born and raised in Uluwatu, Bali. Before he founded his reggae band: The Uluroots, he worked in Indonesia’s biggest shipping company for more than 5 years to earn money for his living and played in his first Band called “UpRising”.

This is I Wayan Armina from the legendary Bali Reggae band Uluroots.

Armi had good role models like his grandfather, father, and uncle, who gave him important basics of life and thought that the most important thing is, that he is happy in his life. This goes far beyond the point of just having a job to earn money so he could make a living.

Tell me about your background and how did you get started in reggae music ?

I grew up with a great interest in music and started making music in college. Every Friday the Students had the opportunity to do it without having to pay anything because it was a part of the schedule.

A good friend told me: “Hey, your voice fits the reggae genre – you should sing reggae songs.”

Okay, I had no idea what reggae was and I told him to show me, so he gave me 10 songs to listen to, which I did, and I was on fire from the beginning. I learned English at my high school and practiced it on Padang Padang beach, where most English-speaking people are to be found.

There I met an Australian surfer. He slept on the beach so he could surf in the morning. He had seen me with my guitar while I was practicing my songs and immediately spoke to me. A cool friendship began and I could use my English and learn a lot more.

After that, he gave me the Tape, the Legend Album from Bob Marley. Back then I didn’t know what kind of music is this. I was listening to the music at home. I liked it so much and showed it to my friend who introduced me to the Reggae Genre. I got deeper and deeper into Bob Marley, Reggae, and Rastafari Culture.

Basically, the Rastafari has the same foundation as the Balinese Culture.”

Based on what my Grandfather had told me about life & philosophy, it felt like I have found the treasure I was looking for. I didn’t have to find out who I am, or who I am going to be. I just found it with Reggae, Bob Marley, and Rastafari which is so similar to our Balinese Culture.

I felt that this is the foundation of my belief. I had to go deeper into this – and I wanted to go deeper.

I wanted to get more information about Reggae, but at that time we had no internet. My friend gave me a book by Bob Marley, with his Story and Lyrics. After reading this book I made a commitment to myself.

“I am going to play this music my whole life.”

Reggae Bali Uluroots 2

Right after that, I had a dream.

Bob Marley came into my dream and woke me up. He wore his typical denim, a top, and with his smile on his face as he opened an old bible with no words in it. It was just blank but it came a light out from the bible and suddenly he disappeared with the light. After I woke up the next morning, I felt very low and weak.

I left my job because I wasn’t happy at all with it what I was doing. This was not the purpose of my life. I could not live my life like this so I went back to music, with my first band “UpRising

My Uncle told me: ”Are you stupid, what are you doing?” Maybe I help my Grandfather out with the cows – I said… But my Uncle had a better idea! We started a Homestay because I already could speak English. Our very first guests were a couple from New Zealand, we are still in contact today.

I sat outside by the fire and played with my guitar. Then the two guests came to me, they also played in a band and asked me if they could play some songs with my guitar. After a few songs, they gave me my guitar back and told me: I should play some songs for them. So, I played a few Reggae songs.

Hey, do you play in a band?

Yes I used to! And why not anymore?

BALI Reggae Artist from Uluwatu ULU ROOTS

That was it, this one question!

Why don’t I play in a band anymore? I couldn’t sleep that night, so I asked myself a lot of questions, surely more than 10 questions about what I do – suddenly there was the answer and the confirmation:

I will play music again from now on, that is my destiny”

I called my friend from back then and said: we are making music again and we founded Uluroots.

uluroots bali reggae

From UpRising to The Uluroots

I told myself: I play this music all my life. And that night Bob Marley had woken me up again. The next day I found myself sitting in a corner and I was feeling low again. This is incredible and it has happened to me twice now, there must be something to it.

ulugarden uluroots bali reggae

God gave me the Seeds of Art. A seed to create, not to copy all the time.”

I observed myself and asked me: What can I do in my life? The answer: it’s music.

What was the first reggae songs you ever heard ?

My first ever heard songs were from Bob Marley and UB 40.

What’s the inspiration for Uluroots to write your songs ?

My Grandfather had a big influence on me, he taught me a lot of things. These things are in my Songs. They are my inspiration. My life inspires me. The whole inspiration of my life gives me the ideas of writing the lyrics.

We are connected.

The name of Uluroots Band is created from this:

The Balinese word “Ulu” means head which is in unity with the English word “Roots”. When the head meets the roots, it’s equilibrium, it’s balanced.The two words from Balinese and English language stand for the connection of the east and west.

What do you enjoy most about being a musician ?

It’s my life, it’s a part of me. Being a musician is a blessing from God, I’m sent by god to return to do what I love.

What is the reggae scene in Bali ?

The Reggae scene in Bali is huge. But we don’t have a platform. We try to make one: The Bali Reggae Movement.But it’s not easy. I think we need to have a good management. We can’t do this too. We want to stay creative to make the songs.

What other kind of music do you like?

Any kind. When you are a teenager you follow the trend, when you grow up you follow yourself.

What project do you work on right now?

We won’t record our music for now. To record a song is quite expensive and we can’t record to have the audio quality I wanted. To keep the real vibe, we only do live sessions. If I have a song, I give to my Band to build & practice it. When we get on stage, we just play for real. We play the same songs, but always different. With another mood, another vibe.

Apart from singing, what other activities do you enjoy doing ?

For me, my culture is important to be kept alive. I’m in the communities of our Banjar. When we get together to have ceremonies, I do the musician part. For me, it’s a must.

I love to paint sometimes. In Bali we have the traditional Wayang / Kamasan style and Batuan style, I am more into this than the modern style.


And my other Life Project is the Ulu Garden.

I have started dreaming of this project 7 years ago and I am on my way to realize my dream. Every day a bit more.

Ulu Garden is an oasis of togetherness in the heart of Uluwatu. We believe in the spirit of sharing pure and simple experiences with those you love and those you newly meet. Founded by Virginie, Belgian food entrepreneur, and Armi, multiskilled local artist, Ulu Garden is marked by its authentic Balinese character and its raw contemporary look and feel. Come and enjoy our tropical garden, have a drink, share a plate, get work done and relax to some good music.

UluGarden is a stage for everyone. To perform. To be original.

You got recently a wonderful Baby, how is it ?

I can’t describe the words of how I feel to be a father. I am so thankful.

What are your dreams and goals at this present time ?

I want to give value to my life, and to others. My grandfather taught me the mathematics of life.

“In life: one minus one should equal two.”

The more minus, the more you give, the better.Everything that happened to me in life, good or worse, reminded me of my grandfather. He was right. All the things my grandfather told me are like Rastafari teachings.

If you could change anything about the current situation in Bali, what would it be ?

All of us, including me, know what we want. We should ask ourselves the question of what do we want, how do we want to live better? Do we want to be rich? Do we want to be happy? What makes me happy in the end?

Everyone should do more self-reflection and find out what you need to be happy.

“Just be honest with yourself!”

If I had the chance to make a difference, I would go to these people who always want a change but never change themselves. I would like to go to these people to practice with them and find out how to be realistic. We don’t go enough into our own responsibility, but we always want a change from the outside…

I think this creates many problems. Honestly, it is hard. Every small effort counts.

What are good vibes for you ?

The journey of life has a natural mystic. I feel that I found it, the alignments with the frequency of nature, and I am happy here right now, where I am.

Why people should come to Bali ?

There is a saying: Never call yourself a traveler if you’ve never been to Bali.

Uluroots bali reggae

Follow on IG @uluroot

or visit @ulugarden

UluRoots pay every week at Ulu Garden

Jl. Pantai Padang-Padang, Pecatu, Uluwatu, Bali

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