
Muntigunung Social Enterprise was established by people who want to help the villagers to improve their livelihood.

Muntigunung Community Social Enterprise

Little did I know I was about to find out if it’s true or not. That little hotel was right in front of Batur lake. That is where people of Muntigunung used to get water from. Women were spending around 4 hours daily just to get a bucket of water.

The village is located in a very dry area with no natural water sources available. This led to high child mortality. It was considered the poorest area in Bali: men were becoming criminals, women – beggars, children were getting no education. It was in 2004 but things changed greatly in the last 15 years.


When I finally arrived at Muntigunung I noted that it looked like any other Balinese little village located far from tourist areas.

I was looking for Muntigunung Community Social Enterprise. It was established by people who want to help the villagers to improve their livelihood. Couple days before the trip to Muntigunung I met with a representative of this project and asked for some details.


Back in 2004 a Swiss based NPO Future for Children partnered with multiple Indonesian Development Organizations to work on several problems in Muntigunung.


Their main objectives are

  • A sustainable water supply of at least 25 liters per head per day
  • One job per family with a minimal income of $100 per month
  • 50% reduction of the child mortality rate
  • Education for all the children in the village


The Muntigunung organization has improved a lot of things by now

They built water tanks for collecting water so now all the villagers in Muntigunung get the necessary amount of water. Everyone has access to toilets (it’s surprising how basic things like that still could have been luxury just 15 years ago, isn’t it?) and child mortality dropped to nearly zero. 250 working places have been created in different social enterprises: food, handicrafts, batik and trekking. Now more and more children attend school. I thought I had to see it by myself.

muntigunung social enterprise products

I reached the dead-end of the main street and had seen no sign of that enterprise on my way even though the navigator tried to convince me it was there. I saw a young man and asked him if he knew where I could find that place. No surprise he couldn’t speak English.


So, I translated my question to Bahasa Indonesia on my phone and showed him and he couldn’t read that either. That was surprising. He called his daughter; the girl was wearing a school uniform and could read but no one knew what I was looking for.


As it always happens with kind Balinese – they did everything to help and found a woman who could speak English.

She turned out to be a mom of a newborn. She called her friends who could help me to find the enterprise and tell me more about the village.

That’s how I knew Made. He showed me the place where women were making Rosella tea and sweets. When we arrived there, I automatically wanted to put my helmet under the seat, but he stopped me saying: “just put it up on the bike, no one is going to steal it.” Did I feel embarrassed? Yes. Do people here try to get rid of that criminal fame they got? I guess so.

muntigunung social enterprise article impact kseniya strukova instant karma mindful traveler travel magaizine bali indonesia explore

There were about ten women finishing their working day in Munitgunung. In the corner there were neat rows of round tubes with freshly made Rosella tea.

It occurred to me how the Muntigunung story is revolving around women: they were the ones spending time to get water, they were the ones giving birth to children when 1 out of 11 newborn babies were dying, they were walking to Ubud begging for money.


Now they still take full responsibility for their lives but with a little help they do it much better. They make different types of food for sale like cashew nuts, dried fruits, moringa powder, palm sugar; they make handicrafts like hammocks, baskets, bags and batik. Sure, men can’t stand by and they help with transportation of the goods and work as guides for trekking tours around the village.


After the tour I headed back home. Ten minutes later I realized I left my backpack on the floor in the middle of the street. We were taking pictures and I just forgot to pick it up. There was some money and a laptop. I turned around and while driving back I thought I would find it right where I left it.

Muntigunung social interprise

Muntigunung showed me how much it changed from what it was before, even though I only know the story from other people.

I guess if you show people that you trust them, they won’t let you down. If instead of giving beggars money from time to time while waiting for the green light on the road, we buy something from those ready to actually work for their food, there will be more people who want to work.


Their children will see parents working instead of stealing, and will want a better life too. This what helps to break this continuous cycle of poverty, illiteracy and crime.


I found my backpack just where I left it, safe and sound.


Text by Kseniya Strukova

Photos by Muntigunung Social Enterprise

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Muntigunung Shop is located at

Jl.Danau Poso No.57 – Sanur

All the products are produced by the community group in Muntigunung.


Follow Muntigunung Social Enterprise on Instagram: @muntigunungcse

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