Psychological Coach and Reiki Master - Judith Rosinski

As a Psychological Coach and Reiki Master, Judith Rosinski has devoted her career to helping individuals achieve more self-awareness, confidence and inner peace through psychological counseling and coaching, and energy healing (Reiki)

Judith Rosinski

Psychological Coach and Reiki Master

As we navigate through life, we all encounter challenges that can cause stress, anxiety, and emotional distress. In recent years, alternative methods of healing have become increasingly popular as well as coaching.

Judith Rosinski, a Psychological Coach and Reiki Master, has devoted her career to helping individuals achieve more self-awareness, confidence and inner peace through psychological counseling and coaching, and energy healing (Reiki).

Combining the best from Western psychology and Eastern philosophy Judith provides a comprehensive range of practices. 


Judith Rosinski’s mission is to help her clients awaken their own power of inner perception, heal old wounds, and release limiting beliefs that are holding them back. She aims to help her clients feel deeply connected to themselves, their emotions, their needs, and their dreams, and have the confidence to create the life they want. 

The Reiki Experience

Judith’s signature offering, “The Reiki Experience,” combines all her expertise in energy healing (Reiki), Akashic Record reading and psychological coaching to provide her clients with a well-grounded, relaxing, and insightful session that helps them connect with their inner selves and unlock their full potential.

Her clients describe this experience as grounding and profound, they often feel a greater inner strength and trust in themselves afterward, and they are looking at life with a lighter and fresher perspective.  

Holistic approach to healing

Ultimately, Judith Rosinski’s compassionate and holistic approach to healing offers a safe and supportive environment for individuals to achieve balance and develop a deeper understanding of themselves.

Her unique approach to coaching and energy healing recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. By addressing all aspects of their lives, she provides clients with tools to overcome challenges and achieve a sense of wholeness.

With her guidance and support, clients can learn to connect with their emotions, unfold their full potential, and create a more authentic and fulfilling life. 

IG: judith.rosinski 

Table of Contents

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