Aulia - Life and Business Creator with Energy

Aulia is a passionate reader and wrote already 32 books, all best sellers. When she was 23 years old, Aulia ran her first business. Just start. Be curious and make your own experience.

A passionate reader and writer who wrote already 32 books – All best sellers. When she was 23 years old, Aulia quit her job as a web developer to run her first business.

Aulia is a mentor, business creator and coaches people on writing their own book – their Life-Story.

She runs a non-profit organisation Girls in Tech Indonesia. The aim of this organisation is to inspire the geek in every girl. They do workshops on technology to help them understand the technology and use them to solve problems in their society.

„Because I think storytelling is one of the most potent ways to influence people, right ?” You can use a story to sell something, or you can use a story to influence people to donate, for example. So, I think it‘s essential to know the skill of storytelling. Many people want to tell their story, their life-story through a book, and they really want to know how. So, let‘s help them.

This is Aulia – Life and Business Creator

My name is Aulia Hallimatusadiah, “ but you can call me LLia

LIFE & BUSINESS CREATOR aulia storial women writers indonesia

Since when did you start writing?

I started drawing manga first when I was 13 and then I started writing manga stories. That‘s the first time I wrote stories. The story-writing became longer. I wrote short stories and poetry, and my first book got out when I was 23. It‘s a novel about an Indonesian girl studying in Seattle.

From where did you get this inspirational idea to write your first book?

I don‘t know. I just wanted to travel at that time, but I didn‘t have money back then, when I was young, so I wrote how I would travel the world, by writing about the world. I did research about the places I would like to travel to, but I couldn‘t. Like my other book that was about an Indonesian girl in Paris, and I learned French too.

Wow, you get really into this role.

You have to write from your heart!

I have my way to write, I use the masculine and feminine parts of myself, the masculine part is creating the outline of the mind map, knowing the deadlines and when it‘s going to be finished. Then the feminine part is really pulling my heart into it, letting it flow. Then the story flows, and I become the character. That‘s why I really can write fast because I don‘t like to be in another character for so long.

How long does it take for you to write a book?

The fastest I wrote a book was in five days, 150 pages. Usually, it takes three months. It can be five days, a month or three months. I have one book which I don‘t use my masculine part in. Just the feminine aspect and I finished it within one year. That‘s the longest. It was about an Indonesian girl falling in love with a French guy in Indonesia.

Did you study to become a writer?

I had a scholarship from a big publisher back then. And I learned how to write in three months. I did it on the side, while working. I was a technology background girl, I developed websites. I studied Information technology.

Do you like to compete with your ego, your mind, or is it your true self?

My true self. Of course. I don’t think it’s my Ego. I don‘t have anything to prove, even to myself. And I always say to people, I‘m not ambitious. I stop working at five every day. Then it‘s Me-Time, I learned to know my limit.

What are the five skills of an entrepreneur?

I think the first is the ability to listen to people, and by listening, you understand what people need. Then you manage to give them what they need in the end. Also, it’s about collaboration, you know, you have to collaborate, whether in a team or with other people. Further on, to be flexible, because nothing really works out 100% the way you want it, you have to be flexible. You have to think about Plan B, you know, like a snake.

Have you always been this ways or did you learn it on your life journey?

don’t always have self-confidence, and I’m the only entrepreneur in my family. The others are either working for the government or are teachers. They‘re really playing it safe. I‘m taking a lot of risks with my job and everything. I’m the firstborn, this really helped with my leadership, and my father was also very disciplined. I had a good role model. I have a reasonable basis. I wasn‘t very confident initially, but then I grew from that.

Tell us about your day

What time do you get up?

I wake up early at five or six in the morning, watching something inspirational or spiritual, anything random right on YouTube. I have my favourites. I listened a lot about Reality Transurfing of Vadim Zealand to reality Creation from Frederick Dotson. I like this kind of stuff.

After that, I do my breathwork and yoga. I have my protein breakfast and drink my tea. While I have my tea, I write my gratitude journal or write my ideas about anything I have in mind.

I have a to-do list, but it is an intention list. I really know how I want to be today. I want to be calm. I want to be peaceful. I want to be productive. Whatever right?

After that, I start working on all the meetings and everything. Sometimes I cook lunch, and at around four or five, I go to the gym. Later on, I go to the beach to watch the sunset, sometimes with friends, sometimes alone. I like to be alone because I can be within my thoughts. And that’s actually where my ideas come from. After that, I come home to cook dinner, or watch Netflix or anything, just something inspirational or stand-up comedian.

To keep my vibration really high.

How did you get your idea or concept for your business?

The idea came because I was trying to publish my book and the publisher rejected me. But my book was quite good and I wrote 15 books at that time, so why did they still reject me? They said it‘s not commercial. Nobody’s going to read it.

And that‘s where I realised that I have nowhere to go with my books. So I created my business to help people, young authors, to publish their own books and make money from that.

What services or products do you offer?

My Company is an online platform for writers to publish their book, they can do it per chapter. Also, I’m a writing coach, if people want to write their story, I can teach them.

LIFE & BUSINESS CREATOR aulia storial women writers indonesia

And how do you advertise your business?

Right now, I‘m doing it online. So, it’s organic, mostly on social media. We also use SEO search engine optimisation. Also, we have some paid advertisement on Google and Facebook.

To what do you attribute your success?

I think my success comes from really knowing what I want and focusing on doing what I want. My mission and vision. Because after that, nothing else can bother me.

How can you make the company better?

By keep innovating and more collaboration. Right now, we are working on many different things. On our technology, we already have an audio story. And we’re going to add online courses on our platform, adapt the stories and rework them into videos.

Recently, we are using a discussion forum, where we want to have some more innovation within our product. And also, collaboration. It’s essential to collaborate with brand influential writers in Indonesia and the world.

What is unique about your business?

My business is quite unique because we didn‘t have something like this before, in Indonesia. When you want to publish your book, it either has to be published or printed. That’s it, and then there was no way to publish it by yourself or digitally.

So, my business is unique because we offer new authors, especially young authors, to publish digitally and audio stories, audiobooks as well. They can read their own books and put it on our platform.

What is your ambition?

I‘m not ambitious. But I really love creating. I am making sure that every day I start something new. Writing is creating. I love to create, I love to collaborate, and I really love to see progress, whether in other people or in me.

When you see another person isn’t making any progress, do you support them?

I only help people who need my help, come to me and ask for help. I don‘t really interfere in anything. They can learn for themselves. But if they need me, I will give them my opinion

I also want to tell you a story about what I‘m writing right now: Balinese people’s transformation story, I want to highlight Balinese people who used to work in the tourism industry.

And now they‘re doing something else. Some of them become a farmer, some of them become a virtual assistant or project manager. And I highlight their story in “#balikembalistories”.

I still want to capture many more stories, and people can donate to help Balinese people restart and learn new skills through Remote Skills Academy.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Just start. Be curious and make your own experience. Nobody knows if things are going to work out or not if you don‘t try it. Taking action is super necessary and essential.

Which three adjectives describe the spread of your strength?

I’m self-aware. I listen to myself – my intuition and I’m a creative being.

What would you do with un­limited resources?

I have a lot of things that I want to do with unlimited resources. Want to create a space where all the intellectual people can be together, I will call it House of Wisdom.

There are entrepreneurs, artists, philosophers, scientists, they can get together, translate scriptures, they can collaborate and make a business together that will have good impact on humanity. That’s exactly what I want to do. Also, I want to create a very sustainable community. Very flattering and supporting each other.

What motivates you, Aulia?

The chance to express myself fully in the world every day. By doing that, if I can inspire other people to transform their life, that would be the best.

How do you create new ideas?

They just come. But I also let them come. By being in silence, by myself.

How do you interview a suc­cessful person?

I really want to know their struggle. Every successful person usually has a lot of ups and downs and probably more downs. I want to know what they’re struggle with and how they overcome their problems.

Thank you for the Interview!

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