

From 31 May to 2 June 2024, Bali’s most beloved food festival returns for three delicious days of feasting, offering the tastiest food experience the island has ever seen.

Themed Take it to the Streets, this year’s festival will be a flavourful expedition across the streets of インドネシア and beyond, where every bite tells a story of tradition, innovation, and pure culinary bliss. Passionate foodies can discover the mouthwatering tastes of Asia’s bustling streets and have an opportunity to meet some of the region’s best street food heroes and talents.

Janet DeNeefe, Festival Founder and Director, says, “We are thrilled to invite local and international visitors to experience the best of Indonesia’s bounty in our street food offerings, from classics to new creations, over three action-packed days. Whether craving the comfort of bakso, the indulgence of martabak, Bali’s legendary babi guling, or a guilt-free vegan snack, festival attendees won’t leave hungry.”


Food Festival Lineup

Alongside delicious street food, gourmands can this year again pick from a curated lineup of Special Events and be on the front line of Masterclasses, receiving personal tips and hands-on guidance for perfecting their dishes.

There will be live cooking sessions at the Taman Kuliner stage, guaranteeing festival-goers plenty of facetime with culinary talents who will unveil their most iconic dishes. And at the heart of compelling conversations and unique insights, the Food for Thought stage will provide an opportunity for consumers and producers to share stories, network, and unite in supporting the vibrant and sustainable future of the culinary industry.

“This year’s Festival will be a flame-fuelled explosion of street food delights and gastronomic theatrics. Stay tuned for yet another extraordinary event that highlights the majesty of Indonesia’s culinary landscape,” adds Janet DeNeefe. “You won’t be disappointed!”


Festival Vendors

The Festival also provides an exceptional platform for artisan producers and food brands to promote their products to knowledgeable foodies and associate themselves with top chefs, restaurateurs, scientists, and food entrepreneurs.

Vendors at the Ubud Food Festival also benefit from inclusion in pre-event marketing, including online placements reaching thousands of passionate audiences who have a big appetite for more than just food.

Ubud Food Festival Tickets

The Festival takes place between 31 May and 2 June 2024. Festival Passes go on sale in March 2024.

Pre-sale tickets for the majority of Festival Specials and Masterclasses will be launching in April 2024.

Newsletter subscribers will have 48 hours of exclusivity before everyone else can book.

To sign up for the newsletter, visit ubudfoodfestival.com/subscribe.


Don’t miss out on this flame-fueled explosion of foodie delights and gastronomic shows.

Indulge in mouthwatering street food, learn from culinary experts, and connect with fellow street food enthusiasts. Join us in celebrating the diversity and richness of Indonesian cuisine at the Ubud Food Festival 2024. Book your tickets as soon as possible and be part of this extraordinary event that celebrates the majesty of Indonesia’s culinary landscape.

Stay tuned for more updates and exclusive offers

Join us at the Ubud Food Festival 2024 and let your taste buds guide you on an epic culinary journey!


For more festival updates, make sure you follow on all social media:



Launched in 2015 by Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati, the Ubud Food Festival (UFF) aims to showcase Indonesia’s rich culinary traditions on a global stage. It celebrates the finest food that Indonesia has to offer and the culinary diversity of the archipelago, helping young Indonesians to improve their skills through masterclasses and cooking demos while providing exciting networking opportunities. The festival also includes important discussions on global issues such as the environment, sustainability, and food systems.





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