
We are all interconnected by a field of energy, the Quantum field.

We are literally living immersed in an ocean of energy.

Whatever you emit has an effect on yourself, on others and vice versa.

Please read that sentence again because once you integrate that, it is the turning point of your perspective.

The awareness that whatever you think, do, feel, say, emit impacts yourself and your environment.

So taking action is valuable and efficient!

But, what to do then? Where to start? How a simple person can suddenly be necessary for our planet?

By raising your vibration and frequency,

By taking care of yourself,

Because everything starts from within, 

By being the best version of yourself

Because your energy will have a ripple effect, we create our future together.

But how to do so?

In many ways, with lots of unconditional love, self-compassion and patience because it takes the time you need, and, as you know, what is important is the journey, not the destination.

Here are a few ways to start:

1. Target to make changes step by step, day by day. Consistency is what matters.

2. Accept yourself as you are today because it is your starting point.

3. Make your mind an excellent space to live, as your thoughts, feeling and emotions are creating your reality (electromagnetic energy sent to the quantum field which comes back into matter, and the signals sent to your brain create your health or your sickness) => be conscious of your thoughts, control your mind.

4. Care for your physical health and frequency by regularly practising a walk in Nature, any sport or yoga.

5. Take care of the food you ingest as food has energy and vibration, prefer to shop directly to the producer or choose organic, respectful small production and grocery- Avoid processed food, even if you cook very simply, raw food is the one with the most energy, get back to simplicity and balance, respect the seasons, avoid import.

6. Meditate, even 5 minutes a day. It will help you to have calm, clarity, and creativity, connecting to who you deeply are.

7. Disconnect from your screen and choose Nature to restore your energy.

8. Develop gratitude, kindness and compassion for yourself and others, it will set new filters, and everything will be reflected back to you.

9. Be as happy often as you can! The best way to do so is to be your authentic Self and live your life’s purpose! 

Yes, it is possible to do so, at any time & at any age! 

This is the key to creating a meaningful life and staying in a high vibration!

Everyone can create their own purpose. If you have no clue regarding yours, I designed a one-on-one 2 hours module in my Self Love program, which will help you to define yours!

Contact me for more info at www.freeyourmindbali.com 

Emotional healing via Quantum Energetics | Self Love modules | Meditation course

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