Made Masak - Cooking From Soil To Soul

quote made masak from soil to soul


What does your name Made Masak mean?

Dewa Ayu Made Sri Dwiastuti Radarani is my full name. Wow, such a long name was given to me by my grandfather. The first part of my name represents my Balinese caste, and the second part represents my family’s hope that I can be a woman who can provide abundance and prosperity to all beings. But now I am branding myself as “Made Masak” which means “Made Cooking.” Cook the life with me.

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You are a cooking nomad. What is that?

Now I am a nomadic chef and cook anywhere I am called. I am opening Tropical Plant Based cooking workshops in any location with a kitchen. I was in charge of menu consultation and culinary staff training. I am delighted about doing this because the ingredients I use are grown locally, and I work with local people. I feel via food, and I can inspire us to produce our food and eat more of what grows in Balinese soil. It is all about reconnecting with oneself to be balanced.



rice terracces in Bali next to made masak cooking bali from soil to soul

How and where did you grow up?

I grew up in デンパサール, a modern Balinese family where everyone supports everyone else so that life is equally easy for everyone. Everyone could cook, clean, and wash. When the aunt had to go to work, the men in the family also looked after the children. What had to be done by the one who had time. This is quite normal for us.

We respect and serve each other. It is togetherness. We all look at our home; my father and brother also cook. It is not only the women; the goal is how it can work.

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From that way of living, I got the strength and trust that women can do many other things, and I could share my experience and give it to other women and empower them.


And where did you learn to create such delicious and healthful meals?

Fortunately, my grandmother lived with us. She prepared the meals she was used to, using fresh ingredients, and following traditional recipes. Also, our Nanny was always cooking and taught me how to cook. I enjoyed cooking my meals and making my eggs for breakfast. Every Sunday, I watch cooking shows on television and attempt to duplicate them. I also learn when I attend New Earth School, which inspires me.

So, I do not need a label like “chef,” because cooking is my devotion to myself and the earth, and it’s also joy. As a result of the complete eating with nature experience, the food becomes lovely. 

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Made Masak  studied agronomy and food technology.

What was the most exciting thing during your apprenticeship?

My life changed when I went to university. I was the first woman in my course at the time, and I took over the leadership of the legislature from the beginning for two years. I could learn so much and broaden my horizons, and I suddenly had different schools of thought. It was super exciting. I didn’t do it for my ego. I shared the knowledge with the other students, especially women, simplified the bureaucracy’s complexity and made new rules to make it easier for the other students, like how to get a scholarship and many more.

It is about how you are with others and how you strengthen them.

What does Cooking mean to you?

Cooking is a whole process in my life until I find the balance, and that is what I call cooking too, to become my authentic self. And I choose food to share my love. This is my passion and makes me happy; it is my way of sharing my love through food. When I cook, I do service and make others happy at the same time. Family and friends get together and eat because good food makes everything so much nicer in any situation. I would even say that food can be a problem solver.

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From where do you get the inspiration?

Nature in バリ島 is my primary source of inspiration for cooking right now. Being in tune with Balinese soil always reminds me of gratitude, and nature has abundant compassion for us. This makes me so happy. And I want to be a better person who can contribute more to our motherland.

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What are your plans for the future?

I already support many local women and show them how to cook healthy food for themselves and their families from our native plants rich in vitamins. I want to share my knowledge with all who are interested and to share a valuable awareness for all animals, humans, plants, and Bali.


Thank you, Made Masak for the Interview.


Made Masak – Cook the Life with me

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Made Masak is entirely in line with the health-conscious vegetable cuisine trend.

She studied Agriculture Technology and Food Science at university and now combines her education with Balinese culture. Finding equilibrium necessitates both natural wisdom and technological innovation.

We highly recommend booking a healthy cooking class with Made Masak. Learn more about her cooking classes on Instagram. @made.masak


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