Lien culturel entre l'Indonésie et l'Espagne

Indonesia Night 2023 Sparks Cultural Connection

In a spectacular showcase of cultural exchange, Indonésie Night 2023 illuminated the Melia Castilla Theatre in Madrid on October 29, 2023.


This enchanting event, a collaborative effort between the Indonesian Embassy in Madrid, the Indonesian Student Association in Spain (PPI-Spain), and supported by the Indonesian diaspora, unfolded as a celebration of the rich tapestry of Indonesian and Spanish cultures.

Crossing Borders with Art

The night, attended by a vibrant audience of 400, primarily Spanish locals, witnessed a fusion of Indonesian and Spanish arts and cultural performances. The crowning moment featured a breathtaking performance by the renowned Indonesian theater group, Theater Keliling, presenting the Balinese folk tale, Calon Arang. This captivating tale not only entertained but also served a higher purpose, as all proceeds from ticket sales were pledged to orangutan conservation through the Reina Sofia Foundation.

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A Cultural Mission

Supported by the Director General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, the Traveling Theater embarked on a cultural mission in Spain. Indonesia Night Madrid 2023 marked the grand finale after a series of impactful workshops and performances at schools and universities across Madrid. The Spanish audience warmly embraced the cultural exchange, welcoming the Indonesian artists with open arms.

Artistic Fusion: A Symphony of Talents

The night unfolded as a convergence of diverse talents, featuring the accomplished young pianist, Edbert; the Indonesian-Swedish vocalist, Cahaya Lovisa; and the Spanish gamelan musician group, Mad Gamelan. The collaboration extended beyond borders as the leading Madrid-based theater group, Malinche, joined forces with Theater Keliling, marking a historic moment in cross-cultural artistic collaboration.

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Making Cultural Dreams a Reality

The success of Indonesia Night Madrid 2023 was made possible by the generous support of sponsors, including Melia Hotel International, Hotek, Repsol, Huawei Spain, Ecoener, and Incargo. Their commitment to cultural diplomacy allowed this unique cultural convergence to come to life.

Diplomacy and Celebration

Prior to the cultural extravaganza, the Indonesian Embassy in Madrid seamlessly blended diplomacy and celebration by hosting a reception commemorating the 78th anniversary of Indonesian Independence. This gathering, attended by Spanish government officials, the diplomatic communauté, and private entities, set the stage for a unique dual event, combining diplomatic finesse with cultural flair.

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Uniting Embassy and Diaspora for Indonesia’s Image

Bram Brotodiningrat, Head of Chancellery at the Indonesian Embassy in Madrid, emphasized the intentional fusion of diplomatic reception and cultural evening. This approach aimed to unite the Indonesian Embassy and the diaspora in Spain, presenting a distinctive event that showcased Indonesia’s multifaceted image to the Spanish audience.

A Night with Purpose

Beyond the celebration, Indonesia Night 2023 held a deeper significance. The funds raised through ticket sales were directed to the Reina Sofia Foundation, contributing to vital orangutan conservation programs in Kalimantan.

As Dr. Muhammad Najib, the Indonesian Ambassador to Spain, aptly put it, “Cultural cooperation is one of the important pillars in Indonesia’s bilateral relations with Spain.” The event not only celebrated cultures but also strengthened the bond between nations, fostering a lasting friendship between Indonesia and Spain.

Table des matières



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