Willing peace on earth?

Let’s feel peace in every one of our hearts.

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Willing Peace on Earth?

Let’s feel peace in every one of our hearts.

The macrocosm is a reflection of the microcosm, and vice versa. One of the laws of the universe is, “As above so below, as within so without.”


It is all about energy and vibration.

Each of us is a node in the quantum field of energy, which connects one to another, which links everything and all things beyond our imagination.


You are a crucial pulsating wave in this field.

You generate electromagnetic energy from your heart and brain; your emotions and feelings activate it, and everything starts with your thoughts.


We, as individuals, sometimes believe that we are powerless regarding a worldwide situation. Programming to keep us asleep? Ego game to keep us small?


Because it is not the case!

You count, I count, everyone matters. We are billions of people melting our energies.

Most of the avalanches in the mountains start by a very tiny snowball,

and a little stone can, on its own, create hundreds of ripples in a vast flat lake.

Your energy matters!


So what could we do to generate peace in this world?

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Incarnate peace into our lives, vibrate peace inside our hearts.

It could sound basic and straightforward, and it could be not very easy at the same time.


Because it forces us to be honest with ourselves, regarding what we feel, regarding our daily behavior, and regarding the discord we could have with close family, friends, relatives, or even unknown people. The best test ever is our reactions when driving. A vehicle!

And more importantly, do not forget to check your own relationship with yourself, your internal language and self-criticism…


Feeling at peace, full of love and great intentions is easy when we are on a yoga mat or participating in a workshop because we all share the same energy and vibration.

Everyone went there with a desire for getting more well-being and to mingle with like-minded people.


The real work starts outside that accessible context, into our daily life.

When we have to deal with challenges, complications, and contrasts; when our buttons are pressed; when we lose our temper—this is where the job of maintaining peace starts.

freeyourmindbali instant karma mindful article magazine


Then, how to do it?

By starting to be at peace with ourselves.

Because our entire external life reflects how we feel inside of us.

-Accepting ourselves the way we are and loving ourselves is a starting point.

-Healing all the parts of us to eliminate any potential buttons to be pressed

(it means facing our shadows and healing that inner child).

-Developing compassion for people around us because they experience

the same life as we do, but with a different expression.

-Then willing to be at peace no matter what, having that intention and taking action.

-Avoid conflict by not taking things personally and searching for solutions instead of losing energy by searching for the victim or the perpetrator.

-Learning to let go and to go with the flow vs trying to control everything and others.


Are you ready to take responsibility regarding global energy?

What if you decided to be the change you wish to see in this world, as M. Gandhi beautifully said?

We are the architect of the world of tomorrow, and everything starts with us.

Love is the answer.


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