What if You Decided to Set Yourself Free?

What if you decided not to be under the control of those emotions today? Not identifying yourself and the quality of your life to them. Set Yourself Free

Letting go of guilt, shame, and low vibration emotions keeps you small. Have you ever heard of David Hawkins scale of consciousness? This scale shows us the vibratory frequency of emotions. At the bottom of the scale are shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, all the emotions dragging us down and keeping us in a low vibration frequency, low energy, low willpower. Easily having us in a spiral of negativity.

What if you decided to set yourself free?

Deciding to take back your control, keep a high vibration no matter what.

Shame, guilt, apathy are all emotions turned against us.

Screenshot 2022 03 01 at 11 08 09 9 FLIPBOOK pdfMost of the time is related to the way we apprehend a situation today. Most of this pattern has its roots in our childhood, probably due to major or minor trauma or exposure to toxic parents, family, friends etc.…

What if you decided not to be under the control of those emotions today? Not identifying yourself and the quality of your life to them. Set Yourself Free


You are not your emotions.

set yourself freeAlways welcoming them because, as usual, emotions deliver a message and show that something requires your attention and healing to let them go.

What if you decided to embrace them? listening, acknowledging the messages,

remembering when was the first time you felt this emotion and sending yourself understanding, benevolence, compassion and unconditional love.

Setting you free by knowing what is right for you today. What is fair, just to do or to say. Being self-empowered, standing for your position, your values, your worth.

Not feeling guilty to express your feelings even if you know that the person in front of you will have difficulties accepting your reactions.

Setting boundaries and proudly saying no, even if you got used to pleasing others and never pleasing yourself.

Saying no without feeling guilt or shame is justified and right for yourself.

Giving yourself permission to come first, honoring and respecting yourself.

Non-violent communication is a beautiful way to express yourself in challenging situations, only talking about how you feel in a given situation.

Because nobody else but you can know what you feel and have the right to discredit or lower your feelings.

It is so good to have that inner strength and inner freedom to express yourself and act without fearing being judged or rejected. Integrating that others way of reacting is related to their own story, childhood wounds and trauma.

Remember one of the 4 agreements from Toltec wisdom, explained by Miguel Ruiz, “do not take things personally” will help you take distance from any negative reactions and observe.


Please also remember that none of us is the story we tell ourselves.

We are the soul behind. We all came here on this Earth school to heal and remember who we truly are.

If it is hard for you to stand for yourself, I built a Self-Love program, 6 modules, for you to know and empower yourself. #online only. Contact me for more information.


Quantum healer-teacher | Self Love Modules| Meditation Course


#remote – Bali


English | Français

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