trust vs transaction

Trust vs. Transaction

Communities who operate at a high level of transaction tend to have a low level of trust. The best way to transition from one paradigm to another is to feel into it.

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Trust v Transaction – How do conscious teams and communities shift to the I am/we are model of being?


The Current Backdrop

In the modern world we have built our social, legal and economic systems around transactions. A transaction is our ability to buy and sell. Our daily lives are in fact a market place.
In this market place the currency is money and the focus is consumption. The giving and getting is based on structural inequalities and division rather than unity, altruism and the concept of agape – love for all.
When we transact we don’t operate from our intrinsic altruistic nature, which can be described as ‘all for one and one for all’ or ‘tat twami astu’ – you are me and I am you.

Indigenous Cultures

Those global cultures which have remained connected to nature, the invisible realms and the concept of planting and planning for seven generations, do not inhabit the transaction model. They do not live to consume or rape resources which are limited in supply. Rather they take no more than they need and give back what is required to ensure balance, well-being and harmony. They hold the land as custodians and guardians for their grandchildren’s children. If we are to survive as a human species on this planet we need to learn from our indigenous cousins and their wise elders, the knowing of the gift or trust economy.

The Gift Economy

Each one of us is born with a set of unique gifts. Some can sing. Some can dance. Some can solve mathematical problems. We all have a unique and authentic gift blue print we have the potential to develop and use, so that our infinity potential is in service to the world. A gift economy is focused more on an exchange of talents and capabilities than a transaction. A gift economy works best when it operates with a currency of trust.


Communities who operate at a high level of transaction tend to have a low level of trust. Trust also correlates with disconnection. When your survival is dependent on trusting your neighbour a whole different relationship grows and deepens.

Moving from Transaction to Trust

The best way to transition from one paradigm to another is to feel into it. Experience it. Thinking it won’t do. You have to feel it in the first brain which is our gut and to know it in our heart – the place where the agape love resides.

The how

When people ask me how we make the shift into a more compassionate humanity in local and global teams, my response is to have a clear understanding of yourself. Know the you inside and out and be clear of your unique soul path. Then share that and express that with those in your tribe or network. Be bold to speak your truth consciously and be brave to live your path courageously.


I’m currently in South Africa where the trust and transaction communities live cheek by jowl. Where poverty and wealth exist side by side. I see fear in the faces of the haves and resilience in the faces of the have nots. Until as a United society we can sing out ‘I am – we are’, our children and grandchildren will not live in the natural harmony for which we were created.
My soul blueprint is to build the bridge of a more conscious humanity for my children and grandchildren to walk across. So that in my last breath I can with all knowing say that we are living with trust in our hearts and a collective oneness in our bones.
Cape Town

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