Stray Dogs in Bali - Expert in Transforming Dog's lives

Sabine took it upon herself to care for stray dogs in Bali and rescued, rehabilitated, and rehomed many of them while keeping the most traumatized ones in her private home, which now amounts to 12 dogs. 

Her passion for helping stray animals has led her to start “Little Steps Matter,” a registered non-profit organization. Based in Bali for over 30 years, Sabine’s work has significantly improved the lives of thousands of needy animals.

Stray Dogs In Bali

Sabine Kaufmann is a remarkable woman who has made Bali her home for over three decades. She arrived in her early 20s from Germany and worked in the fashion industry for four years. After a tragic event, Sabine realized her passion for fashion had faded.

She turned to work with horses in Bali, but it wasn’t the fulfilling experience she had hoped for. However, Sabine discovered Natural Horsemanship and learned to connect on a deeper level with these sensitive beings, and she still has two horses at her private home to this day. 

Being always an animal lover and advocate for animal rights, she was agitated by the number of sick and injured dogs on Bali’s streets. Sabine took it upon herself to care for stray dogs and rescued, rehabilitated, and rehomed many of them while keeping the most traumatized ones in her private home, which now amounts to 12 dogs. 

stray dogs in bali

Empathy for animals has always been a driving force in her life.

She wanted to do more, to give more. Founding Little Steps Matter became the natural next step to move that vision forward.  

Driven by her compassion for animals, Sabine established the non-profit organization Little Steps Matter in 2017 to relieve the suffering of Bali’s animals through Street Feeding, Medical Aid, Sterilization, Education, and the three “R’s” – Rescue, Rehab, Rehome. 

Every day Sabine and her team provide food and medical relief to over 150 dogs and cats on the street and in homes of low-income families while, at the same time, educating local communities about animal welfare.

Urgent cases are rescued and taken to an external veterinary clinic for treatment and vital care before adoption. The main focus of Little Steps Matter is to create sustainable change and to humanely control the number of animals, which only mass sterilizations can achieve. 

Providing a Safe Haven for Bali’s Rescue Dogs 

With the Covid pandemic hitting the tropical tourist island hard, the suffering of Bali’s animals became more significant than ever before. They needed to save more, and with the incredible help of their supporters, the Little Steps Matter Safe House was born in early 2022. Sabine and her team offer a safe and loving environment for rehabilitating rescues. They are currently caring for 25 dogs that are waiting to be adopted. 

As a non-profit organization, they rely entirely on the generosity of animal lovers worldwide who, like them, can’t turn a blind eye to suffering.  

Pursuing Your Passion: Sabine’s Advice for Starting an Indonesian Organization 

For people who want to pursue their passions, even when faced with challenges and obstacles, Sabine advises taking it slow and steady.

“It is crucial to inform yourself thoroughly about the legal procedure of setting up an Indonesian organization and to ensure all personal documents are in order. Learn about the country, the people, and their culture. Be fully aware of the tremendous responsibility you are taking on.”

She emphasizes that pursuing this same passion will become your life. There is no turning back. 

Sabine’s Hopes

By growing awareness of the organization’s activities, Sabine hopes to increase the number of animals they can protect from harm.

“Our wish is to go deeper to the root of the problem by building a wider spay and neuter program in order to control the population that then, in return, will lead to less abandonment, sickness, and mistreatment.”

Plans for the Future of Little Steps Matter 

With more sterilization events for both strays and owned animals, we aim to end the cycle of unwanted puppies and kittens being born into a world that does not want them, simply because there are already too many.” 

Furthermore, she wants to encourage more people to adopt rather than shop.

“One dog adopted makes room for another dog that still urgently needs saving. Shelters all over the world are exploding with animals that have been abandoned and deserve a second chance. We have many beautiful rescued dogs waiting for their forever homes.

Please take the time to look at them. They have not given up. They just need you, and maybe you just need them too, to experience the purest and greatest love of all.” Together, we can help more animals. Join the mission to create a brighter future for them.” 

stray dogs in bali

“Through love and awareness for animals, and by doing good and giving back to them, my happiness is amplified. I trust in the power of Karma, and I firmly believe that by being of service to others, true fulfillment will naturally find its way into my life.” 

Instagram: littlestepsmatter 

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