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social impakt water filter clean drinking kids

Social Impakt - Access to clean water

I realized there was a better way to use my business skills. So, I decided to move to Indonesia and start my own business, a social enterprise, called Social Impakt.

Avatar of Myriam Speich

It’s all about access to clean water. Hi, my name is Jeroen van Overbeek and I am an ex-corporate executive turned social entrepreneur. Back in 2011, I was Vice-President for Europe, Middle-East and Africa for an international corporation, based in Dublin. Suddenly, I experienced a shift. I realized that I was helping companies make money, but I was not helping people. I realized there was a better way to use my business skills. So, I decided to move to Indonesia and start my own business, a social enterprise, called Social Impakt.

Water is Life

My mission is to improve access to clean water in rural Indonesia by providing a simple and affordable water filtration technology. People here call me the “Water Magician“. Social Impakt has already positively impacted more than 300 000 lives with improved access to clean drinking water over the last 8 years.

Simple to get clean water

The filtered and clean water has been tested in many laboratories, it is safe to drink and is approved by the World Health Organization (WHO). The ceramic filter is a Dutch technology and lasts for 3 years. After 3 years, you just have to replace the ceramic filter.

social impakt water filter clean drinking kids

Using the water filters is 5 times cheaper than boiling to make clean water, and 30 times cheaper than buying bottled water on a per liter basis. The filter improves health and income and reduces the use of plastic bottles which are littered around in Indonesia.

101.5 million plastic bottles have already been saved by Social Impakt’s action. It also reduces CO2 emissions and deforestation: gas and wood are used to boil water in the villages to make it drinkable. We have already saved 14 200 tonnes of Co2 equivalent emissions.

Clean water Human right

Social Impakt has done a lot of philanthropic work over the last 5 years and has become an expert in disaster relief as the number one need after a disaster is to restore access to clean drinking water. Many natural disasters occur in Indonesia, a dangerously beautiful “country. We supplied clean water to the victims of the September 2017 Mount Agung eruption in Bali, the August 2018 earthquake in Lombok, the October 2021 earthquake in Ban Village, East Bali and the December 2021 flash floods in Nusa Penida.

Kid drinking

We started a Covid 19 relief fundraiser in May 2020 to help people in need in Bali with a water filter, so they can save money and improve their health. We have to date distributed 2900 water filter units to families in need since the start of the pandemic.

This fundraiser is still on.

You can donate to give clean water here:

Thank you for your support.

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