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All You Need Is Love
The dynamic is easy to understand, awareness will help to reverse the quality of what is going on in our head, „I made a mistake, at least I tried“, “this experience was rich in lessons“, „I don‘t know how to do it yet, but I want to try. The message is clear, and if you come across these few lines, you are probably ready to listen to it for the positive evolution of your life...

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Instant Karma #4 The Mindful Traveler Magazine Cover Indonesia
Instant Karma #4
May – June 2021

I‘m going to start this article with the end as if I were telling you the end of a movie, the movie about the meaning of your life. And why start with the end, would you say? To make you benefit from my personal experience and that of most people I meet for energetic processes, perhaps making you gain a few years in your quest for inner happiness.

Years that you could use to enjoy your life in full consciousness and in harmony with yourself and the people you cherish. Years of being your authentic Self, not hiding behind the masks of your ego, the ones we all wear before we realize they exist and that unconsciously govern us until we heal the part requiring to be healed.

“What you seek is seeking you“, as said by my favorite poet Rumi: through out your life, through your various human experiences and Love stories. Rumi, the Sufi poet of the 13th century, already gave us the story‘s end in his Love poems. Some may take a painful journey to reach this conclusion, and others may never reach it in this life, and that is all right.

Today if you are reading this, it is not the fruit of chance because chance does not exist, but the dance of synchronicities, because in this world, everything is energy, including ourselves.

The message is clear, and if you come across these few lines, you are probably ready to listen to it for the positive evolution of your life.

love is all you needLoving oneself, quite a program in a society where we can quickly be labelled as selfish, egocentric or pretentious. It was perhaps preferable in families to keep a low profile and step aside rather than take too much space by expressing one‘s desires, dreams or deepest wishes.

An education punctuated by the „we don‘t do that“, „we don‘t say that“, a „we“ who is the king of a world of injunctions, who defines all the rules to follow without us ever really knowing who this „we“ really is.

So, let‘s talk about you, what about you? Do you love yourself, unconditionally? Have you ever given yourself time to think about this question? Well, now might be the time if you haven‘t already.

What would your life be like if you decided to love yourself unconditionally, without shame or guilt about putting yourself first?


I‘m going to help you make your own diagnosis by addressing anon-exhaustive list of points and some advice that could lead you to make a transformation if you need and/or want to. Nothing very complicated; however, things only change if we are recurrent.

21 days of repetition to change what is anchored in our subconscious mind and 90 days to change our lifestyle. Being consistent is the key; to go faster, you can also use techniques such as hypnosis or any quantum energetic session that acts at the level of your subconscious mind (my favourite activity!).

Replace judgement and criticism with loving and kind words toward yourself.

1-Be conscious

Everything starts with your self-observation. Observe yourself as if you were looking at yourself from the outside. Be aware of yourself and in interaction with others. (to know more, Eckart Tolle, „the Power of Now“)

2-Monitor your internal language

Masarato Emoto, a famous Japanese businessman, author interested in science, with his rice fermentation or water crystallization experiments, has demonstrated the impact and influence of words on liquids.Because of the results and knowing that our body is composed of more than 70% of water, this can motivate us to watch our language more closely!

What is going on in our head? How do we talk to each other? Are we positive, uplifting andempowering or critical and negative towards ourselves? We can be our own best friend or our own worst enemy under the influence of constant judgments and self-sabotage: „what a loser“, „you have to be an idiot to act like that“, „I can‘t do it, I‘ll never make it“ etc.

The dynamic is easy to understand, awareness will help to reverse the quality of what is going on in our head, „I made a mistake, at least I tried“, “this experience was rich in lessons“, „I don‘t know how to do it yet, but I want to try, if I don‘t give myself a chance I will never know“. Knowing where this negative language comes from would be the key to a faster transformation; maybe you keep hearing your parents or a third person unconsciously in your head?

3-Monitor your external language

Chances are that the words we use towards others and the world around us are the same words we use towards ourselves. “Words create things“, they are like wishes sent to the universe (in the quantum field) which, by dint of repetition, and especially with the energy of the emotions that these words generate, will end up coming back into the matter to create your reality (quantum physics). Choosing your vocabulary well is essential. Someone for whom everything would be„terrible“, „terrifying“, „hopeless“, „impossible“ will not give any chance to new and positive possibilities. Our vocabulary is very often a reflection of our belief system, which itself comes from the program we received between 0 and 7 years old, from our parents,family, school, etc. (Dr Bruce Lipton)

4-Knowing and enforcing your limits

This implies knowing yourself and being connected to your body,reading your emotions.Knowing what you want, feel what is good or not for you.Once the communication with yourself is established and fluid, know how to express your limits and make them respected. Do not let yourself be exhausted by wanting to please everyone before yourself. It is not possible to pour water for others if the carafe is empty. Putting one‘s own needs before those of others allows one to avoid overflow, frustration or inner anger and to fill oneself up internally to have something to offer to others.

5-Knowing how to say NO!

This point completes the previous one. However, it is necessary to isolate it because it is impossible to say no for some people. It is necessary to know that if we say no to someone, it is to better say yes to ourselves.And conversely, if we can‘t say no to others, then we say no to ourselves, and we suffer internally without even being able to define why. Example: you had planned to stay at home, very quiet because you are tired, with a small program of cocooning that you were impatiently waiting for, and under the insistence of your best friend, you are left in a crazy evening that does not correspond to your desires, nor to your physical energy nor to your emotional state of the moment, then you feel regrets, frustration and maybe anger toward your friend, you feel deprived of your power.Of course, we may sometimes decide to put others before ourselves. Still, it is with full awareness and responsibility that if we decide, that will put an end to any possible law energy emotions or victim mode. Moreover, in this case, pleasing the other person also pleases us because it is our decision, our choice.

6-Be your own „Date“, your own love appointment

Plan moments for yourself. All by yourself. And do exactly what you want, without appointments, without timing, without pressure. Take care of yourself, seek pleasure, a walk in nature, an exhibition, an appointment at the hairdresser, a yoga class, or do nothing at all. Finding pleasure in pleasing yourself is also what will teach you to know and listen to your deepest needs at the moment.

7-Grow continuously

Enrich yourself, upgrade yourself, get out of your comfort zone, learn new things, get out of your routine to create new opportunities, to blossom completely. Nothing is fixed, and everything is possible. Reconnect with your inner child to let joy and enthusiasm express themselves, to give yourself permission to finally realize your dreams or at least to try to manifest them.

8-Be your own best friend

Behave with yourself, as you would with your best friend, to say with compassion,benevolence, patience and kindness.Give yourself time to do things, be indulgent,understanding. Give ourselves permission to have access to the best and not reserve it only for others. To conclude, I would like to quote Don Miguel Ruiz and the fourth of the Toltec Agreements, „You do the best you can“, be kind to yourself because we always do the best we can with who we are the time we do it. And that‘s okay.

As I started this article with the end of the movie, I‘ll end it with the beginning of any„Self-Love“ process, which is that it all starts with accepting ourselves as we are, because that‘s the starting point of our transformation, it‘s also about making peace and loving all the parts of ourselves that we may have rejected for too long.

This implies being honest and vulnerable with oneself,perhaps the subject of a future topic?

What do you think?

Feel free to contact me for an online energy healing session if you need assistance to heal the part creating blockages and resistances for you to unconditionally Love Yourself.


• Quantum energy healing sessions to help people empower themselves, get rid of negative patterns and heal.

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